Registered Name: Onyx du Domaine de Louxor
Breeder: Domaine de Louxor
Height: 23″/58cm
Weight: 25kg/55lbs
D.O.B/Location: 2018 May 7; Deuillet, France
Titles: Ring III
2023 CRA Ring III Vice-Champion
2023 Canada Cup Ring III Vice-Champion
2020 CRA Ring I Grand Champion
2020 Canada Cup Ring I Vice-Champion
Health: Hips/Elbows - Good/Normal; Embark Clear
Pedigree: working-dog.eu

With Croisades du Nord only a concept, in 2018 when we had the opportunity to add Onyx as our foundation working and breeding female we knew our concept was going to become reality. Onyx epitomizes the characteristics in not only a working but also, a breeding female.
Onyx is a medium female, who carries herself like a much bigger dog. She has always had a full, pushing, and calm biting style. Onyx is a highly motivated female who has endless ball, hunt, and tug drive. Onyx is very handler focused and is biddable to handling and decoy corrections. Onyx is a very fast and agile female who easily outpaces many dogs of larger stature. Onyx has already shown a genetically natural ability to clear all of the French Ring jumps.
Onyx is very pro-social to both new people as well as other dogs. While easy to train and handle, she has become one of the best examples of a female we have ever seen. She can take any amount of pressure a decoy can put and her tenacity is relentless. She does have a level of civility which is to be respected, and carries such tendencies in her genetics. She is clear-headed and environmentally stable in all situations. Despite having endless energy, Onyx has an "off-switch" that makes her easy to live with.
Onyx's hip and elbow have been evaluated by OFA as Good and Normal. She is clear of any genetic defects through the Embark screening.

Registered Name: Targa du Banc des Hermelles
Breeder: Banc des Hermelles
Height: 23"/58cm
Weight: 25kg/55lbs
D.O.B/Location: 2022 October 3; Etrelles, France
Titles: CSAU
Health: Hips/Elbows - to be completed; Embark: Clear
Pedigree: working-dog.eu

Throughout our travels in France we have had the opportunity to train with and see many great dogs. Having the opportunity to see both sides of Targa's genetics was an easy decision for us to acquire her when we learned of her breeding.
Targa is a medium sized female who is extremely athletic. She is arguably one of the fastest dogs we have seen and has some of the most extreme drives we have trained. Targa's drive for food, a ball/tug, and drive to search for things is extreme. Targa is very predatory and is extremely easy to train. Targa is very handler focused and is on the more sensitive side. She will be easily described as a "point dog". Targa's is an exceptionally active female who has a forward and aggressive style of biting while maintaining a level of possession which we enjoy seeing a working female Malinois.
We envision breeding our future generations of Croisades du Nord puppies with her and we anticipate Targa bringing a lot of spice, character, and twitch to her offspring.
Targa is a very forward female who is environmentally bombproof. She is a natural guardian who will directly challenge those she does not know and these traits can easily be developed into a more civil nature. Despite this, she can easily be described as a very pro-social toward people and other animals. She is currently training in French Ring and we anticipate her being able to obtain very high scores in all levels..
Targa does not naturally possess an off-switch and is our most extreme Malinois. She has an endless amount of energy and requires a lot of stimulation for her day to day needs.
Prior to being bred we will complete her hips/elbows/eyes. She has been Embark tested with clear results..

Registered Name: Senna des Croisades du Nord
Breeder: Croisades du Nord
Height: TBD
Weight: 27kg/60lbs
D.O.B/Location: 2021 April 5; Southwold, ON
Titles: Brevet
Health: Hips/Elbows - to be completed; Embark DNA - pending
Pedigree: working-dog.eu

When we envisioned breeding and conceptualized our future Croisades du Nord puppies and narrowed our breeding objectives by breeding Ionn and Onyx we were very pleased with the result and especially of Senna.
Senna will likely mature into a medium/large female weighing approximately a 60lb/27kg with good bone and structure. Senna, the pink collared female, was the most forward of the puppies from our Ionn/Onyx litter. She was very instinctively forward with not only the other puppies but in the developmental phases of socialization, environmental exposure, and bite work.
Senna can easily be described as a very pro-social toward people and other animals. She is currently training in French Ring and we are exceptionally pleased to be able to use her in our program. To date, Senna is exhibiting all of the traits we hoped the combination of Ionn/Onyx would provide.
Senna has a full and forward biting style and has a level of possession which we enjoy seeing in a working French Ring Malinois. She has exceptionally good ball drive, she is food motivated, and she takes corrections from the handler and decoy appropriately.
Prior to being bred we will evaluate her further and she will complete all of the required health testing to be part of our program.